- all vFilers
- [the hard thing] the computer account which is used in the domain
I took a lot of Snippets from other Scripts, if you see yours and you have a problem with it - tell me.
Example Usage : Report-NA-Filers.ps1 -controller "fas1","fas2","fas3" -Username "MasterOfDisaster" -Password "MasterPW" -Location "c:\MeinReport.csv"
- all Shares
- the path of the Share
- the path of the Share
- all Accounts who have access on them
- kind of Access
- kind of Access
I took a lot of Snippets from other Scripts, if you see yours and you have a problem with it - tell me.
Example Usage : Report-NA-Filers.ps1 -controller "fas1","fas2","fas3" -Username "MasterOfDisaster" -Password "MasterPW" -Location "c:\MeinReport.csv"
# original code does not work under ontap 8.2 http://support.netapp.com/NOW/cgi-bin/bol?Type=Detail&Display=443207
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$True,HelpMessage="Enter the FQDN of your NetApp 7-MODE Controller")]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$True,HelpMessage="Enter the Username for Accessing the Controller")]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$True,HelpMessage="Enter the Password for Accessing the Controller")]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$True,HelpMessage="Enter the complete Path to save the csv file")]
Import-Module DataONTAP -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$tablename = "NA-Shares-Report"
$tableNaSharesReport = New-Object System.Data.DataTable "$tablename"
$col01 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn nafiler,([string])
$col02 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn vfiler,([string])
$col03 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn share,([string])
$col04 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn sharepath,([string])
$col05 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn sharedescription,([string])
$col06 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn Username,([string])
$col07 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn AccessRights,([string])
$col08 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn UnixGroupName,([string])
$col09 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn ComputerKonto,([string])
$ControllerPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $Password -AsPlainText -force
$ControllerCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential($UserName,$ControllerPassword)
Foreach ($filer in $controller)
Connect-NaController -Name $filer -Credential $ControllerCredential
Write-Verbose "Collecting Information for $filer" -Verbose
if ($(Get-NaOption licensed_feature.multistore.enable).Value -eq 'on') {
$vFilers = Get-NaVfiler
ForEach ($vFiler in $vFilers){
Write-Verbose "Collecting Information for $vfiler on $filer" -Verbose
Connect-NaController -Name $filer -Credential $ControllerCredential -vfiler $vfiler.Name
if ($vFiler -eq 'vfiler0') {
Invoke-NaSsh -Command 'priv set diag;registry get status.cifs.config.filername;registry get status.cifs.config.ntdomain,priv set' -Credential $ControllerCredential -OutVariable wrkCIFSAccount
$CIFSAccount=$wrkCIFSAccount[0].Split("`n")[1].Substring(28) + '\' + $wrkCIFSAccount[0].Split("`n")[0].Substring(29)
} else {
$strRegQuery=-join('priv set diag;registry get vfiler.',$vFiler,'.status.cifs.config.filername;registry get vfiler.',$vFiler,'.status.cifs.config.ntdomain;priv set')
Invoke-NaSsh -Command $strRegQuery -Credential $ControllerCredential -OutVariable wrkCIFSAccount
$CIFSAccount=$wrkCIFSAccount[1].Split('=')[1] + '\' + $wrkCIFSAccount[0].Split('=')[1]
$Shares = Get-NaCifsShare
ForEach ($Share in $Shares) {
# bugg
#$ShareAcls = Get-NaCifsShareAcl $Share.ShareName
# workaround
$strSharename = $Share.ShareName
Write-Verbose "Collecting Information for $strSharename on $vfiler on $filer" -Verbose
Invoke-NaSsh -Command "vfiler run $vFiler cifs shares ""$strSharename""" -OutVariable Ausgabe -Credential $ControllerCredential 2>&1 | Out-Null
$wrkShareAcls = $Ausgabe[0].Split("`n")
$wrkShareAcls = $wrkShareAcls[5..$wrkShareAcls.Count]
$wrkShareAcls = $wrkShareAcls -match '/'
ForEach ($ShareAcl in $wrkShareAcls) {
# /workaround
#ForEach ($ShareAcl in $ShareAcls.UserAclInfo) {
$zeile = $tableNaSharesReport.NewRow()
$zeile.nafiler = $filer
$zeile.vfiler = $vfiler.Name
$zeile.share = $Share.ShareName
$zeile.sharepath = $Share.MountPoint
$zeile.sharedescription = $Share.Description
# workaround
$ShareAcl = $ShareAcl.Trim()
$ShareAcl = $ShareAcl.Split("/")
$zeile.Username = $ShareAcl[0].Trim()
$zeile.AccessRights = $ShareAcl[1].Trim()
# workarround
#$zeile.Username = $ShareAcl.UserName
#$zeile.AccessRights = $ShareAcl.AccessRights
#$zeile.UnixGroupName = $ShareAcl.UnixGroupName
Else {
Write-Verbose "Collecting Information for $filer which is no multimode filer" -Verbose
Invoke-NaSsh -Command 'priv set diag;registry get status.cifs.config.filername;registry get status.cifs.config.ntdomain;priv set' -Credential $ControllerCredential -OutVariable wrkCIFSAccount
$CIFSAccount=$wrkCIFSAccount[0].Split("`n")[1].Substring(28) + '\' + $wrkCIFSAccount[0].Split("`n")[0].Substring(29)
$Shares = Get-NaCifsShare
ForEach ($Share in $Shares) {
$ShareAcls = Get-NaCifsShareAcl $Share.ShareName
ForEach ($ShareAcl in $ShareAcls.UserAclInfo) {
$zeile = $tableNaSharesReport.NewRow()
$zeile.nafiler = $filer
$zeile.vfiler = 'no multistore'
$zeile.share = $Share.ShareName
$zeile.sharepath = $Share.MountPoint
$zeile.sharedescription = $Share.Description
$zeile.Username = $ShareAcl.UserName
$zeile.AccessRights = $ShareAcl.AccessRights
$zeile.UnixGroupName = $ShareAcl.UnixGroupName
$tableNaSharesReport | Export-Csv -Path $Location -Force -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ';' -Verbose
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