But according this KB from Netapp a LUN NAA is just a prefix + serial ascii to hex converted.
This is "stupid" adding all LUNs as Datastore using the filename of the LUN as Suffix.
Get-NcLun|select Node,Vserver,Path,
@{N='NAA';E={"naa.600a0980$(-join ($_.SerialNumber.ToCharArray()|%{'{0:x}' -f $([byte][char]$_)}))"}}|%{
get-vmhost esxserver|New-Datastore -Vmfs -Name "VMFS_$($_.Path.Split('/')[2])" -Path $_.NAA
Maybe better declaring a function to make Code better readable ...
function Convert-ASCIItoHEX_STRING ([string]$inputstring){
return $(-join ($inputstring.ToCharArray()|%{'{0:x}' -f $([byte][char]$_)}))
Get-NcLun|select Node,Vserver,Path,
@{N='NAA';E={"naa.600a0980$(Convert-ASCIItoHEX_STRING $_.SerialNumber)"}}|%{
get-vmhost esxserver|New-Datastore -Vmfs -Name "VMFS_$($_.Path.Split('/')[2])" -Path $_.NAA
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