Montag, 4. Dezember 2023

Dealing with "the authorization policy does not allow saved credentials" in RoyalTS

Having to type your password when connecting to RDP suxx, i regular use RoyalTS as RDP client which is even free for personal use but limited to 10 connections (not a hard one, use dynamic folders and clear them before save).

To deal with nasty PW prompts i wrote a script which integrates a task named "UseSavedCred" to your "Main" document usable as "Connect Task". 

Save it as PS1 and run it, if RoyalTS is running it stop it, and restart it after the install process.

Now you can choose the Task for "Connect Task" for the RDP Connections which pop up the credential window.

The "installed" script search in the sub processes of it an editable password field and type the password in it + press Enter. I did not test it with passwords with "<",">","|" or "&" character inside, as they often brocke sending them selves through the pipeline. 

Give me feedback into the comments.

1 Kommentar:

  1. Thanks for your great work. Is it possible to manually install the scrip in RoyalTS? As far as I can see the relevant part for autotyping is done in the first 14 lines, correct?
